I actually got lost today in Vienna. I went for a walk today past a nice canal and continued walking straight down this street for quite some time until it came to a dead end. Obviously the only choice was to turn either left of right. Well being that right sounds like the "right" way to go I turned right and made my way to the next street over. That street was actually lovely, with a nice walkway of trees. But as I continued walking I started feeling a little uneasy as I never did meet back up with the canal. Honestly the canal runs horizontally and I'm walking on vertical streets that must in some way run into the canal. But I never did find it. Me being a nervous nelly that I am.... went into full fledged panic mode. I turned on one street and then another and then another not knowing where the heck I was.... wandering around aimlessly. I was on the verge of crying and I was about to lose it. That's when I just decided to retrace my steps, find the street that came to a dead end and take it back to the canal. AWESOME. Then it starts sprinkling!
That was the fun part....
Which streets did I turn on and where did I turn was my concern. So I used my photographic memory and prayed to God that I made it back to the canal and sure enough a little over an hour later I made it back. What a morning! I didn't have my cell with me because our international calling plan is ridiculous and costs way too much, so there was no point in bringing it. What would I have done if I were really and truly lost. Try my best at speaking German or pray someone knew a little English to get me back to the canal.... I wish I would have had an overhead camera so I could have seen what I looked like trying to find my way.... I must have walked in like two complete circles or two ginormous U's.
Note to self and others: Carry a map with you at all times if you plan on taking walks in an unfamiliar city.
Here are a couple of shots I took this morning.
More pics to come soon......
If I can build up the courage to get out and about again tomorrow ;)

Wow...I would have been so scared! I am a really paranoid person, so I definitely would have freaked out. So glad that you made it back okay! Keep the pictures comin'! I love looking at them:)
Oh gosh I would have freaked out!! So glad you made it back safe.
Love the pics, sooo gorgeous!!!
Thanks for your sweet comment, I'm so glad we're blog frineds!
Those pictures look great! I think it's fun to venture out in new places but not without my cell phone or someone with me! You are brave! Sounds like you are having fun!
Oh, I'm so sorry you were so scared. I would have been too. That's a terrible feeling.
You did get some good pictures though.
Looking forward to more.
I love the pictures! I would have freaked out too! Luckily I know a little German so I might have been able to talk to someone! My Nana was born and raised there and spoke/speaks German all the time still, my mom and aunt have learned it so the 3 of them will speak it together-and my uncle (aunts husband) was also born and raised in Germany!
Buy one of those little translations books and keep it in your purse!
Ah! I'm glad the Lord helped you find your way back! :)
Super scary!
But your pics are gorgeoussssss. Keep em comin'!
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