Here are my 10 most favorite things starting with the letter H.
1. Hair
I love doing hair! I love that there is no routine to it and that it changes daily. I love making people feel beautiful and the fact that I've made so many wonderful friends through this career.

I also love getting my hair done, it's amazing how wonderful you feel after you get your hair done ;)
2. Holidays
Of course holidays are one of my favorite things. Spending time with family is so important and special to me.
3. Hiking
One of our most favorite things to do! There's nothing better than throwing our hiking gear on and heading out for an awesome adventure. If I could go hiking every day I would!
4. H&M
One of my favorite places to shop. I love the clothing and the accessories, and not to mention the prices are decent.

5. Hats
Well one of my most favorite hats that I wear all of the time.......
6. Hefeweizen
German wheat beer, yum is all I can say. Jon and I love this beer.
7. Home
Oklahoma! Our home..... Oh, how I love Oklahoma and boy do I miss it :) Jon I both grew up in Oklahoma. He's from Shawnee and I grew up in Norman. He moved to Norman and graduated from The University of Oklahoma. We lived in Norman together before we moved to Germany.

8. Hugs
There's really nothing better! I don't think my day would be complete without one of these. I always love big ole bear hugs. I love them!

9. Honeymoon
One of the best adventures! and of course one of my favorite H words.

And my MOST FAVORITE thing that starts with the letter H is........
10. my Husband
The best thing that starts with an H that has ever happened to me! I'm the luckiest girl in the world and so thankful for my husband Jon. I thank God everyday for bringing him to me.
If you would like to play the letter game, let me know and I'll send a letter your way!
Have a wonderful and blessed Thursday everyone.

Great list!
And that hug picture is amazing!
(PS Love that last picture of you two!)
Those are some fun letter H's
I love hiking (as not of my backpacking!) and of course hugs! and h&m.
and that last picture is fabulous!
Your pictures were awesome! I love H&M! I also really loved your hair style in the very first picture of you cutting hair!
Hefe Weizen is my favourite, should try Paulaner or Hacker Pschorr... cheers!
Oh, ok.....even though I'm not creative in the least....send me a letter.
I'll pray for a little creativity. ;)
It may take me a day or two so don't give up. Sounds like fun.
I love all of your "H" favorites. That was the perfect letter choice for you.
Have a great day Stephanie!
Gosh could we be more alike?! I'm pretty sure I have the same exact list as you! Fun!
I wish we lived close and you could do my hair!
LOVE your H lists!
I loved your list:) I agree that it seems H is a perfect letter for you!
I dream about becoming a hair stylist...I'm so jealous!
This is so cute! I want to do one, how do you get a letter?
I've got nothing interesting to write about today...want to give me a letter? :)
That was just pure sweetness!! I love this game!
This is kind of random but your haircut is so cute in that first pic!
Such a precious, precious list filled with DARLING photos!! :-)
I love your pics. The one about your hubby is so sweet. And I love your hairstyle, when you come back home I'll have to hit you up to give me a fabulous new haircut.
This looks fun, so send me a letter, we'll see how creative I can get :)
Hey! Definately send me a letter. What a sweet post!
Ask Jon if he knows where Bethel is.. that's where I am from!
Ok, I'm game. Send me a letter.
I just found your blog. I will be reading more! Are you cutting hair in Germany? I ask becuase I live in Frankfurt (home is in Texas) am in desperate need of a haircut. I apparently have the linguistic ability of a slightly retarded chimp so am terrified to try getting a cut at one of the local places because I might think I am saying "just a little trim" and end up with a purple mohawk!
I enjoyed reading your list!!! And today I'm definitely having a little writer's block - So I'm game - will you please send me a letter???
Thanks for the letter Steph :) Should be interesting!!!
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