Here are some pictures I took with my little digital camera, (Not my big girl camera) and these pictures turned out horribly, but somewhat interesting none-the-less. I have yet to figure out how this little camera works....
I guess I won't be using this little guy at night anymore until I can learn more about the settings. It sure does take nice day shots though.
As we walked through downtown we came across a wine shop! Ok, jackpot... we are huge wino's and love trying new wines from different countries. This couldn't have been a better store to run into. After spending quite some time in this store, we did find an awesome bottle of Pinot Noir from a well known vineyard in Austria, that was under about 20€. (Score)
We also came across an AWESOME find which I am not going to let on about just yet! This find is uber cool and I've decided to use it for a giveaway soon. I am not sure when, but of course I can't do anything with it until I get back home to Deutchland. I am so excited about this find and think it's going to be a big hit! Jon and I bought one for ourselves and Jon wouldn't stop talking about how much he liked our new purchase...... stay tuned for a giveaway soon.
Jon and I are old souls, in the way the we love shopping at antique stores. We'd love nothing better than checking out an estate sale on a Sunday afternoon, looking for antiques and old books. Jon is fascinated with old books, we've been collecting them since we started dating over three years ago. While we were there we found some awesome things. Jon loves old sunglasses. After watching The Darjeeling Limited, he wanted some sunglasses like Adrian Brody wore. Well we found some last night that were similar so he snagged them up.
Instead of plastic, the lenses are made with a heavy glass and Jon can actually see better with them.
My dad collects old tins. He's been asking me to look around for some while I am here so he can add them to his collection. I was so happy to find these for him.... I know he is going to be so thrilled to receive these from Vienna.
Luckily, the woman that owned the store spoke perfect English and I was able to ask for antique buttons. I am working on a project where I am using buttons and I REALLY wanted some antique buttons to make my handmade project even more awesome. I couldn't have been happier with this find!
I sound like an old lady.... seriously! But I do love old things! and handmade projects lol!
Anyway.... tomorrow morning we are off to Bratislava, Slovakia, and hopefully will be able to pop over to Sopron, Hungary, in the afternoon. There are a couple of vineyards we want to check out.
Three countries in one day! whew!
Sunday we are going to explore more of Austria and hopefully see some amazing landscapes. (So I can run in a field singing "The hills are alive with the sound of music.") I will totally tape it for you guys! Although my singing will be a scary sight...........
I hope everyone has an awesome weekend!

I've never been a huge fan of antique stores...but those look like some very cool finds :)
Your Austrian vacay sounds like a lot of fun!
Those pictures are amazing! The places there are so beautiful!
Wow so pretty!!! => Stopping by from oh goodness...I've just been clicking away this morning and lost count. XXOX have a great day1
Those glasses are awesome, he is going to be super styling in them. And now I'm dying to know what this secret item is. You can't leave us hanging like that!
first off the pictures with the snow/rain flurries is beautiful. i absolutely love it.
Yay for great finds!
How fun!
You have found some really neat items. Old things like this interest me too.
My digital camera doesn't do well at night either. I can't for the life of me figure it out.
You got some good pictures though.
Please have Jon do a video of you singing "The hills are alive...." and promise to post it on here. I really want to see and hear it. Pleasssse?!!
Y'all continue to have fun. I'm still praying that the sun will come out. ;)
I can't wait to see your surprise purchases.
Love ya,
Beautiful!!! Great finds sweet friend!
I'm so thrilled for you and your vacation! Never been an antique lover, but I so appreciate those who are because clearly they see what I'm not able to -- Glad to hear things are going great!
I love antique stuff. My mom has several vintage cookbooks that I hope to inherit some day and I've been on the lookout for more to add to the collection.
Hopefully you'll show us the project you're working on when it's completed. I'd love to see it.
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