- This morning as I was making my morning coffee, I looked out of our kitchen window and there was a surprise! Look what's finally growing:
My peppers!
Now I can make salsa with home grown peppers.
Now I can make salsa with home grown peppers.
- Last night I watched Jon play in a softball game at the airbase. His office put a softball team together and Jon told them he'd play as a backup player. There are several people from his office that are on TDY so Jon played catcher last night. It is an easy position at times, but can be one of the most important positions at certain moments. He did pretty good for not having ever played. Even though they lost, I was still a proud little wife!
- My parents officially booked their flights and will be coming to visit us at the end of September. They are staying for two weeks! I look forward to their visit.
- We watched a couple of movies this weekend that I thought I'd share. We REALLY enjoyed all of these, you should check them out!

- Big bummer, the buyer on our home fell through, so our place is still on the market! I thought it was all taken care of, but last week our realtor said the buyer backed out. Ouch! I don't understand why it hasn't sold, it is the cutest little house! But, I have faith, I believe it will sell soon. I'll just stay positive and keep my fingers crossed!

Your house will sale! Don't worry about it too much, I'm sure someone will come along and snatch it right up.
I need to see some of those movies! With work I'm getting super behind on my movie watching!
That is a very cute house! Too bad I don't live in that area! It's very cute; I don't see a thing wrong with it.
Hooray for fresh peppers for salsa! Your house is super cute, like you said just keep thinking happy thoughts and someone will come along and snatch it up.
Your house is beautiful! I'm so sorry the buyers backed out. Someone will come along!
How neat that your parents are going to get to come visit again. Then, y'all will be here in Dec. :)
Tell Jon I'm proud of him for playing softball when he never has before.
Yay for the peppers!! That's so neat. Those will make that salsa taste extra good.
Have a great day! And, rain, rain go away......
Just tell your rain to come to Texas - I am told we need it badly!
Sorry about your house dear. The right buyer will come along soon enough I am sure!
Yeah for your peppers! My dad makes very yummy pepper jelly with his home grown peppers that he puts with cream cheese and crackers - So good!
mmm homemade salsa! :)
Also, I saw bride wars -- cheesy but funny and adorable!
I've been wanting to see Bride Wars and Push, so now that I've got the endorsement I will go rent them. You like sci-fi?
Nice peppers. I haven't made homemade salsa before. You'll have to share the recipe!
Your house is so cute! I would live in it :)
And I loved Bride Wars!!
Exciting that you're parents are coming to visit! And your house is PRECIOUS!
I loved Bride Wars so much that when I had kidney stones, my husband bought it for me and I watched it twice in one day!
Your little pepper is so cute ;) I love homemade salsa, yum!
Out of those movies I've only seen Bride Wars, great movie!
And your house is super cute, I'd buy it!
Sorry to hear about the crappy forecast :|
I thought Bride Wars was cute, but I haven't seen the other two. Something to add to my Netflix queue!
I have been wanting to do a little garden for years! I just don't have/don't take the time to follow through with it! :)
Bummer about the buyers on your house falling through :(
But yay for your peppers...and parents coming in! And for the cool movies! That Push one sounds cool...also ...nice to hear someone liked Bride Wars. I haven't heard anyone one way or the other on that one. Sounds like I have some renting to do while hubby goes TDY!
Okay how do you get your blog photos to line up side by side? I have tried a zillion different things and I can't get it to work!!
Mmm.. I love me some homemade salsa.. especially a good spicy one. You'll have to let us know how it comes out. And then share the recipe of course!
How excited that your parents are coming for a visit. I can't wait to see where the Army will end up taking us, and hopefully my parents will be able to visit and see new places.
I'm sorry you had some buyers back out. I can imagine how frustrating that is! We are just now putting our house on the market. How long has yours been up for? I think I read somewhere that you lived in Oklahoma? What part did you live in? How'd you like it? That's where we're getting ready to go.. hence the 20 questions :)
your pepers are great!! loved bride wars..too funny. i need to see the others! fingers crossed on the house!!
I would totally buy your cute little house if I could! We watched Push last night too and really liked it!
OH WOW! I just looked at the pictures of your house in the states and it is gorgeous! I can't believe no one has bought it yet for real...However, from that post I fallowed the post to your home there in Germany and I think I'm in love:p That place is a dream and I think I would smile every morning waking up in it:) I'll keep my fingers and TOES crossed that it sells soon, k! Hope you guys get out for the weekend jount:p
Your house is fantastic! I wish I could live there! :) I'll have to put Bride Wars on my netflix list. I wanted to see it but have nobody to go to the chick flix with.
I am so sorry your buyers fell through, but don't worry; it'll sell. I'm crossin' my fingers for you: )
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