Friday we had Sarah and Deaner over. They both were due for a haircut and Sarah needed highlights before she returns to the states this week. After finishing their hair we had a Mexican fiesta! I made homemade salsa, 7 layer dip, make shift Moe's burritos and a 4 layer dessert thingy, that I've mentioned before here. I LOVE Mexican food. It was definitely a treat and I ate my weight in chips and salsa/ 7 layer dip, as I always do. Also S&D brought back some awesome beer from Belgium. This stuff is SO good but toxic, being that it has over 8.0 acohol content! Always a good time with S&D!
Saturday we slept in and slowly got around after noon. We got ready and headed out for a day trip to Heidelberg. We have been wanting to visit Heidelberg for a while and finally made the trip, which was well worth it, (even though we were exhausted from Friday nights little shin dig.)
Here are some pics from our day:
After Heidelberg we drove back home and crashed for the night!
Sunday we awoke to another rainy day in Germany. Surprise! After finding the sewing machine treasure on the side of the street, I've really been wanting to get back into sewing and making fun things. There's something wrong with the machine we found, so instead of taking it somewhere and probably spending more than it's worth getting it fixed, Jon bought me a new sewing machine. Yippie! I can't wait to start playing with it.
We just took it easy Sunday afternoon. I crocheted a blanket for Sarah to take to her baby nephew, "baby Thomas." I love crocheting, especially on icky days, it keeps me busy and gives me something to do.
It was actually a good movie, the ending was a little strange, but it was definitely interesting.
Today is "get my laundry done" day!
Hope you all have a great week!

Sunday we awoke to another rainy day in Germany. Surprise! After finding the sewing machine treasure on the side of the street, I've really been wanting to get back into sewing and making fun things. There's something wrong with the machine we found, so instead of taking it somewhere and probably spending more than it's worth getting it fixed, Jon bought me a new sewing machine. Yippie! I can't wait to start playing with it.
We just took it easy Sunday afternoon. I crocheted a blanket for Sarah to take to her baby nephew, "baby Thomas." I love crocheting, especially on icky days, it keeps me busy and gives me something to do.
We also watched a couple of movies, one being Knowing.

Today is "get my laundry done" day!
Hope you all have a great week!

I want to see that movie, it seems weird but I like watching movies about the end of the world, kinda makes me feel like I'm preparing for it ahead of time.
I just watched Knowing today too! It was good...scary and yes odd at the end.
I LOVE mexican food. I could eat it everyday if the hubs would allow it! I can't wait to see what kind of creations you make with the new sewing machine!
your weekend sounds like a blast! I love mexican food too! Still trying to find something to fill that craving in arizona! thank for all the prayers!
It is always ok to eat your weight in chips and salsa! :-) I liked that movie, but I completely agree the ending was so weird!
Such a fab weekend!!=)
Sounds like a wonderful weekend...especially homemade salsa...mmm!!! :)
You so make me want to move to Europe! So beautiful!
I heard mixed reviews on Knowing so I was afraid to watch it. I am excited to see 2012 when it comes out though! :)
Your Mexican fiesta sounded really good! It is making me crave some chips and salsa...
Glad you guys had another awesome weekend!
Love the pictures! Very fun. I've been wanting to see Knowing, but Hubs saw it with some friends and had nothing good to say about it. I need to just rent it for myself.
I love how no matter where you go, Jon finds the smallest door he can find and takes a picture with it haha
Fiesta night sounds like fun! I always eat way too many chips and salsa! I love crocheting too, but I haven't done it in a long long time!
Sounds like a lovely weekend!
Yum! I love mexi food too! I would like some right about now ;)
Glad you had a wonderful weekend!!
your weekends make me jealous!
That beer was G.O.O.D. great! If that makes any sense at all! Don't worry, there is more where that came from! I plan on bringing it back every time!
Yay for the new sewing machine -- I am SO jealous! :)
Knowing seems way too creepy for me!
Your pictures are always STUNNING!! what kinda camera do you use??
oh and i so thought of you today when i was cutting my hubby's hair.. im like hmmm not so sure if i could cut it as a stylist!! the poor guy!
I need to watch that movie. I've heard of it but never seen it. Glad you had a great weekend!
Fun weekend.
Yummy.....7 layer favorite!
Actually any Mexican food is my favorite.
So, you can sew too? Is there anything you can't do?
Love all the pics!
i am a mexican food addict too.. mmm chips and salsa are my weakness
Mmmm Mexican food is my weakness!! We eat it way too much.
And I have to say that your picture skills are pretty awesome! Every time I see your pics I want to go there!
I LOVE mexican food too!! I also want to learn to sew...I keep saying I'm going to take a class...AND buy a machine..I've done neither! I'm not a huge nicolas cage fan but I'd probably like to see the movie!
Oooh, sounds like such a great weekend. I love Mexican food, too! And I really want to see that movie.
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