We're off to the land of American food, huge malls, a swimming pool in our hotel, movies in English, and lots of sun. Doesn't sound too bad huh?
Let's hope this doesn't happen again!!!
Thanks for all of the advice on my door photos! I didn't realize how cool they were until several of you suggested I frame them! That is a brilliant idea and I am definitely going to do it!
Hope you all enjoy your weekend! Thank goodness I will have my computer! I would definitely lose my mind without blog land for that long ;)

Just found your blog today, but what an exciting life you lead! I love the door pictures!
Have fun!!! Try not to melt away!
How fun! I think I could stand a little sand if that ment American food, t.v in english and much more:p Well, thats if I had been spending time in Germany like I want to and had been there for a bit:p At this point I would totally trade with you! HA HA! Wanna swap houses for those two weeks:p Have alot of fun girly and like always, post pics!
I just came upon your blog thru another blog and wow your serious about the adventures...love all your pics! : )
Have a fabulous trip!!!
Sounds like you'll be in some nice weather!
Eat lots of AMERICAN FOOD (YAY!!) and be safe!
Take tons of pictures too (which I'm sure you will!!)
It's funny cause my husband and I always refer to the "land of the sand" as Iraq.
Soooooo glad you two didn't decide to pick up and head there!! ;)
Have fun!!! :-) & Have a good weekend.
Have fun!
Have a great trip!!!
Those are the cutest pictures!!
And lock the deadbolt and safety latch this time. LOL!
Hope you have a wonderful time ... I'm kinda jealous, you get to go all kinds of neat places!! (Even if it's really hard at times like having to move there, etc, and not know anyone you're getting to experience really neat things!)
Haha, and I hope THAT doesn't happen to you, too! (I was cracking up as I read that story, lol)
two weeks, wow, have a great trip! and make sure you find the do not disturb sign this time!!!=)
Just found your blog tonight and have read a lot of your posts...Love it..
I am still new to the land of blog, but so loving reading others stories. Everyone has a story and so many of them are so touching....
Hope you will stop by for a visit.
The May give-away has started and this month there will be 10 winners. I will be blogging from Disney World soon...
Wow, there's never a dull moment with you guys is there? :)
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