My brother and his adorable friend Kathleen will be arriving here on Thursday and I am so excited to see them! We are leaving a week from today to go to Paris for Memorial Weekend! I cannot wait!!
But back to my post title, I'm feeling the love today, because I received THREE awards on my blog! I have NEVER had more than 1 at any given time, but three, WOW!! I'm the happiest little lady!
First Melissa from New Girl on Post awarded me with her First Annual Blogging Award! I received this award for the blogger she'd most want as a hairstylist! Thanks Melissa, you are so awesome for thinking of me!

Second, Donna from Looking Forward and Back rewarded me with the Lovely Blog Award.

The Rules: 1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Here are 15 of my favorite somewhat newly discovered blogs:
- Brown Eyed Girl and Her Beau
- Mrs. G. I. Joe
- Crazy Shennanigans
- The Mathis'
- In This Wonderful Life
- Living Our Own Fairy tale
- Mr. and Mrs. in Training
- Occasional Musings n Ramblings
- Gussy has a lot to say
- The Everchanging Life of a Military Wife
- The Lawrences
- The Rest is Still Unwritten
- A Love Worth Waiting For
- The McCradys
- A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
Third, Little Woman, Little Home tagged me with this AWE-SUMMM award.....

My Queen duties now include:
1. List 7 things that make me Awe-Summm
2. Pass the award onto 7 bloggers that I love
3. Tag those bloggers to let them know they are now Queens too
(and link back to the Queen who tagged you)
Here it goes:
2. I have an AWE-SUMMM sense of smell, it's really wicked crazy!
3. I am AWE-SUMMM at Name that Tune - Elevator Muzak Eddition.... Jon thinks I'm the Rainman of name that tune. I almost scare myself sometimes....du du du definitely. (That was me being Rainman)
4. I make AWE-SUMMM homemade salsa and stacked enchiladas! Yummmy
5. I make AWE-SUMMM jewelry. (At least I think so)
6. I HOPE I take AWE-SUMMM photos...... but I am definitely working on making them AWE-SUMMM.
7. I couldn't think of the last AWE-SUMMM thing about me, so Jon chimed in with "You're an AWE-SUMMM burper." So there you have it peeps, I guess he's a little intimidated by my mega burps! (GROSS)
I am awarding:
- Confessions from an Impulsive Addict
- Gleatie
- Pooba
- Just Another Day in Paradise
- French Kiss
- New Girl On Post
- Learning to be a Wife

Your welcome girl, don't forget that you go on Awesummmm adventures! : )
Hey thanks for the award! I got the awesummmmmm award from Lucky in Love but I haven't posted yet so I'll probably do like you did and post your's and her's together! Thanks!!! You are Awe-summmm!
Glad you made it back safely!! Aw, thanks for the award!!
So glad you made it home safely! Congrats on your awards!
Wow wow wow!! Congrats on the annual award!! That thing is ginormous and would practically take up the entire left column! Haha!!
And thanks so much!! I shall wear it with loveee... :)
Just speaking the truth lady...glad you liked your award! Thanks so much for giving me one! You are the best!
Oh my goodness how fun! Thanks for the award! It's my first ever!! I cannot wait to post it and talk all about you! :) Congrats on all the wonderful awards you got - You are definitely AWE-SUMMM and I know it has to be a great feeling to know so many people read and enjoy your blog!
Thanks so much!!
I will definitely post this on my blog!!
Paris for Memorial Day?? FUN!! : )
Welcome back and congrats on all of the awards!!
Have you missed me as much as I have missed you? Thanks for the tag! This will give me something to blog about since I'm in a current "dry spell".
You are quite the traveler and I hate you again for going to Paris next weekend. GAH!
You ARE awe summmmm! Thanks for passin that cute award on to me! However I'm gonna have a hard time thinking of 7 things!
so fun! you def deserve all of those awards!! congrats=)!
Thanks sweet girl!! I will post this over the weekend! :)
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