Never in a million years would we have thought that date would ever change. Boy were we wrong. After finding out Jon got a great job opportunity in Germany, we knew our lives were about to get a little crazy! We found out in February '08, (the exact weekend my step-father had a severe stroke, which doctors said he only had a 3% chance of surviving,) that we would be moving to Germany in August. (After a year, my step-father is doing great, but still has a lot of trouble with speech. But he's walking and still his goofy self.)
With that in mind we knew what we had to do and moved up our wedding date 4 months earlier to June 7, 2008. I have to admit, I was really sad because I was looking forward to a large wedding at a wonderful venue we had already picked out, but instead we decided to have a very small family wedding with a few family friends.
With my step-father's stroke, worrying about his health, my mom having to leave work to take care of him and fly to Canada to a rehabilitation center for him, me working 60+ hours a week taking over her business on top of mine, and planning a wedding in 4 months, we had no choice.
Now looking back, I wouldn't have had it any other way. It was the perfect wedding for Jon and me; it suited our personalities quite well actually. For a small wedding, put together in a couple of months, it was more than I could have asked for. Thanks to the help of several family members, my wonderful friends and family friends, it was amazing.
Since it is growing nearer to our 1 year wedding anniversary, I thought I would share with you guys, some of my favorite photographs from our wedding. I am sure you all know how hard it is to pick your favorite photos from hundreds and hundreds, but these are just a few that are special to me.
My mother and step father flew in from Canada the day before my wedding and left the day after, to return to the stroke center in Canada. I would not have known what to do if they wouldn't have been able to make it. I am so thankful God helped them to make it to our wedding.

I had to take the opportunity and pose like the goofy person I really am.
Getting some sweet sugar.

It is such a wonderful feeling to look back at these pictures and remember that day. Don't you just love looking back at old pictures from memorable moments of your life and wish you could do it all over again, the same exact way, just to experience that moment in time again? I do!!

Hope you all have a great Tuesday!
It looks like you had a fabulous wedding! I loved all the colors and that dress of your's...WOW...I had wanted to do something like that but wasn't sure my shape could pull it off...I'm small chested and have bigger hips:p You however pulled it off perfecly! Don't they call that type of style a mermaid dress? Ahhh, such a romantic, magical name even:p I so love looking back at my wedding day pictures! My only regret is that I wish my photograpger hadn't of been sick that day and had gotten a little more creative with the photos, but in her defense, it was nasty outside with mud and so she was limited to indoors. BUt I know what it was like trying to plan a wedding in two months because that was exactly the amount of time Robert and I had...OMG, I was soooo scared because one, I am not inclined in that way and two, I had never attempted to plan anything that quite that big with that many details with such a tight budget! AHHHH! But yeah know what, when the day arrived and everything was put together, all the colors flowed and it was just perfect...I would, however, change things like talk to my in-laws who flew in from Arizona more because I don't remember much interaction with them at all those two days! Everything was just so crazy busy! Did you feel like you missed out on a lot of stuff that day because you were wrapped up in the photographer and your soon to be husband? Gosh, Robert and I do:p But we enjoyed it too...Just wish we would have had more time for our guests!
beautiful pictures! i LOVE looking back on our wedding day too :)
Love all the pics, your favorite is my favorite too! :-) Glad your step-father is doing better!
ahhh! thanks for sharing friend! u were a gorgeous bride! I love your dress and how cute are your nieces with your cute hubby! love the pictures! things always seem to work themselves out!!!
Love the pictures! Looks like you had a beautiful wedding despite the circumstances!
It was a beautiful day! I am so glad Danny & I were invited to the reception. You were such a beautiful bride.
Brian & Jon have been such good friends since they were in kindergarten, it was so neat to be there with all of their friends. Jon is a great guy and I'm so happy your paths crossed and you fell in love. Sigh.....
I didn't know that your mom and step-day had just flown in the day before. Wow!
Your nieces are adorable. I remember the cutest picture I took of them with their pretty little dresses on sitting by the pool with their feet in the water. That was too cute!
Thanks for sharing your pictures with us. I LOVE pictures!!!
Love ya,
Oh your dress is gorgeous! I just love weddings and love planning them! I got married 7 years ago and I so wish I could do it all over again. I was so young and didn't really know about weddings and I think back about the day today and I would do everything different!
Thank you for posting those pics! I love them! You guys make such a great couple and you can tell you are very happy together!
Very beautiful. Your wedding looks like it couldn't have been more special. Thanks for sharing with us!
Such great pics! It looks like you guys had a blast and you were such a stunning bride! LOVE your dress!
Thanks for sharing your wedding pictures--I just love the one of Jon and the three little girls--it's adorable!
What a great post! I have been married for 3 1/2 years and it only gets better. I look at those photos and while I wish we could do it over (you know THE greatest day in my life idea) I wouldn't change anything. Being married to your best friend rocks!
I loved seeing pics from your special day! I can definitely see why that one in particular is your favorite. So sweet! :)
Steph, I think I have a blog stalker. HELP! Have you had anything weird?
Those are great pictures! I'm glad to hear your dad is doing better!
It just wouldn't be a "Steph" post without gorgeous pictures to accompany it! You looked gorgeous, glowing and so very happy! September 20 is Ryan's birthday so I was nearly screaming when I read that was your wedding date...then I kept reading and saw that it was actually June 7, which is the day before my mom's birthday! So now when that day rolls around, I'll always think of you and Jon! Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures!
Amazing pictures!! What a lovely wedding. You know, my mom had a really severe stroke about 2 months before my wedding, too. She was told she wouldn't survive and now she is running nearly 15 miles a week again!
Glad your step-dad is doing okay!
Looks like you pulled it off in style! Gorgous pics, beautiful couple!!
What wonderful pictures! You are making me want to get mine out and walk down memory lane:)
What a sweet sweet day that must have been! I love looking back at my pictures as well. That was before digital, so mine are stuck in an album. haha I just celebrated my 10th with my husband. I am sure that you know, but it seems to have been a blessing that you guys had a small wedding. We had a big one and sometimes I wish it had been smaller. It felt like we got lost in all of the hoopla (is that how you spell that??) Your pictures are they always are.
I look at my wedding photos on my computer ALL THE TIME! I find that most nights when I am falling asleep at night that I am replaying our wedding in my mind! Y'alls wedding was perfect!
ohhhhhhhh I LOVE WEDDINGS!!!!!! beautiful pictures Steph :)
So. When can I send you a Gussy wallet? ;)
Have you missed me? Please say yes!
Those wedding pics were gorgeous and we may have the exact same wedding ring. Mine is real of course as I'm sure yours is straight out of a candy machine..
Thank you Steph!! I can always count on your girls to make me smile!!
See? Since we don't bottle up we live longer than guys!! Kidding! (sorta!)
your wedding looked beautiful! I hope you guys have a fabulous celebration to commemorate it!
Your pictures are fabulous :)
I love just looking at old pictures remembering the day and the fun we would have doing whatever!
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