We arrived last night after a long travel day and I'm slowly getting up and around this morning. I realized last night how much I dislike flying. I get so nervous on planes and I get motion sickness so easily. I freak when the plane makes my belly turn upside down. But at least we landed safely and now here we are in the middle east.
I forgot how different the people are here. It seems like everyone is always in a HUGE rush. They walk fast, east fast, talk fast, and drive SUPER fast and crazy. Luckily Jon has mastered driving over here, I mean he lived and drove in Iraq for a year, so he's a pretty aggressive driver. (and I mean aggressive in every sense of the word.) If I drove, I would have some MAJOR road rage too. Everyone seems to think they own the road and there really are no rules!
The hotel we are staying at is the Ramada, it is really nice. I think Jon told me the King of Qatar owns it. The people that work here are so friendly and helpful. It's really nice to be around people like that. (especially after traveling all day!) After last night and being so tired, a man that worked at the hotel was so eager to help us and so nice, I just wanted to give him a hug! Strange thing is, he remember Jon from when he had worked here in January. Jon couldn't believe that the guy actually remembered we live in Germany. I wish I could remember things like that, I can't even remember what I did last week.
Right now the weather is very warm. The highs are around the 100's and it's very windy, which means............. sand storms. Eeek, hopefully it won't be too bad while we are here.
Today, I am going to get a feel for this area. Check out the hotel, take a peek at the swimming pool and the gym, and possibly run to the book store that is down the street. It's a huge bookstore so I am sure I can find something interesting there.
Tonight I am hoping to go to the Souk, (the market here) and have dinner and maybe find some interesting souvenirs.
Last time we were at the Souk, a man made Jon try this on.....
I'll be catching up with all my lovely blog friends today, finally!
Hope you all have a WONDERFUL Sunday!
Oops.... I'm almost forgot.....
Head over to More Wine Please (One of my most favorite blogs!) and check out her awesome giveaway. It is a monogrammed market tote and it is SO adorable! Tell her Steph sent you!

Hope you all have a WONDERFUL Sunday!
Oops.... I'm almost forgot.....
Head over to More Wine Please (One of my most favorite blogs!) and check out her awesome giveaway. It is a monogrammed market tote and it is SO adorable! Tell her Steph sent you!

Enjoy your time! Don't get the swine flu :)
Be safe! Have a great time! Let me know how Living Dead in Dallas is..I've read the first book so far,
Can't wait to hear more about being in Qatar! Glad everyone is so helpful and friendly and don't get blown away in a sand storm! ; )
Your adventures are totally crazy!!! I can't wait to hear about this one/
Sounds like your off to a great start! I te so excited when I'm in new places, wanting to explore everything! Have a wonderful time and thank you for the very sweet comment, made me feel better:)
Can't wait to here and see more about your adventures..have fun and be safe
So glad you found a friendly place! Can't wait to hear about this adventure!
So glad you made it safely!
Will do!
Glad you landed safely! I think I would like driving in Qatar...fast,crazy and no rules...definitely sounds like everyday driving for me! Haha!
I can't wait to see more pictures of what the country is like!
You should have bought that head thing for Jon! He looked just LOVELY in it! :) I'm going to water your plants tomorrow! Hopefully I won't manage to kill anything before you guys come back!
Have a good time and enjoy the warm weather and bookstore!
Ah, have fun! And be safe :)
I am jealous of all of your travels!!! Can't wait to hear about this one! And I totally feel you on the plane thing, I hate it!!
aw! amazing trip!
you will have too much fun, I'm sure.
sounds just like driving in Thailand!
I hope you have a great time! How exciting to be able to explore a new place. I miss that so much!
never even heard of where you are??
Thanks for the link love dear, and good luck!
Have fun!
Ha! If you think that is road rage you should go to India... I cannot begin to explain the things people do there! The driving is no longer funny and borders on full on fighting...
Hope if you ever visit you get your own driver!!
Have a blast!!!
Why do you have to be all cute in your titles?!
And oh Husbee hatessss sandstorms. They always cancel everything.
Have an amazing time!!! And take lots of pics!! :D
I haven't been by to check in for a few days and didn't even know you guys were traveling.
Have a fun and safe trip, snap some good pics for us!
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