Friday we did nothing. I had too much wine Thursday evening, so I just took it easy and drank several bottles of water to rehydrate myself.
Saturday Jon and I headed to our favorite store in Germany.... Ikea! Boy do we love this store, but not on the weekends. It was like an ant farm. There were so many people and walking through the isles makes me want to pull out my hair. But we did find some things that we needed, not to mention our new patio furniture!
I am so glad to finally have this furniture, our patio looked so bare. I'm still looking for cushions to put on the bench and chairs, nothing at Ikea jumped out at us. Actually all of the cushions were ugly. (Target I miss you.)
After Ikea, we ran to Hornbach, (it's exactly like Home Depot) and bought some planters and some herb seeds to start our little herb garben. We bought peppers and lettuce as well, we will see how that goes.
Since the weather was nice Saturday we thought it would be a perfect day to barbeque and enjoy our new furniture. We barbequed hambugers and made sweet potato fries. We just took it easy for the rest of the evening, watching Entourage. Jon's been trying to get me to watch this show forever, finally talking me into it this weekend, and I loved it! I can't wait to watch the following seasons.
Sunday we planted our lettuce and peppers. But realized we didn't buy enough planters, nor did we buy enough soil, so back to Hornbach I go tomorrow.
For lunch we grilled hamburgers AGAIN! Ya, my arteries are clogging as I type, but man were they good! I haven't had a burger since we lived back in the states. It was totally worth it, two burgers in one weekend. YUM!
After eating lunch we marinated flank steak in a marinada of red wine, worchestershire sauce, finely chopped onions, minced garlic, olive oil, and dried mustard. We marinated the steak all day and for dinner broiled it for 20 or so minutes. We also sauteed green beans with e.v.o.o. and sliced almonds. It turned out fabulous. I didn't even think of taking a picture, I was just too concerned with getting that amazing food in my belly. We started the first season of Deadwood and really like it a lot. That's another thing I miss in the states is televisions and HBO!
After all the food we ate this weekend, you better believe I got my hiney back into the gym this morning! My thighs, belly and butt are thanking me today!
Weirdest thing..... as I was leaving the base today a ginormous crow was walking across the street. WALKING! This honkin bird looked at me like you better stop your car and let me walk across the street or I'll kick your a**. This crow was not scared of me in the least.
It's incredible how big they are over here, like the size of a small dog. They terrify me. So you bet I let him walk across the street and let him take as much time as he needed. I just picture the movie "The Birds" and wasn't about to mess with this thing. But seriously, I've never seen a bird cross the street, walking. Weird. Wish I would have had my camera.
Sorry for the ramblings ;)
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend!
and wishing you a wonderful week!

What great weekend recap ... sounds like a good one full of really good food!! : )
I love your new patio furniture, too ... very cute!
Have a GREAT Monday and I hope you don't encounter any more crows crossing the street ; ) lol
We plan on visiting IKEA this weekend in Dallas after we drop the boys off! I can't wait!
haha that bird story made me laugh!! i'd let a giant bird cross too.. birds have always creeped me out a little (except parrots and pretty birds).
I actually ate 2 cheeseburgers in 1 day on saturday.. mmm lunch and dinner!
Sounds like such a fun weekend!
I love Ikea too but not on weekends, too busy!
Sounds like a great weekend! I love your new furniture :)
That furniture is adorable! I was also at Ikea this weekend but in the Dallas store. It was my first experience and may possibly be my last. It was a zoo and I was pushing the basket for my friend and I developed quite the case of "cart rage" right there in Ikea. It was NOT good for my blood pressure. We spent several hours in this hot mess of a place. It was NOT a good time.
Did you miss my comments this weekend? I'm sure you did. LOL
Sounds like a great weekend :) Such cute furniture.
And I also totally miss Target too!
Love the new patio furniture!
That bird story was funny! I would be scared of them!
I love the furniture too, your patio looks great and I like the wrought iron on the wall.
We're due to PCS to Germany in a few months and I'm totally selling half our crap with the intention of replacing it at Ikea! I never get to live close to one in the US, so I'm thrilled there are so many in Germany. DH will enjoy hearing about Hornbach.
You sound like me with all of the food!!! Haha!
I really like your patio furniture! I wonder if you could order cushions online from Target??
Let me know how the veggies work out...Ryan and I LOVE gardening, but our gardening is all flowers. We haven't tried fruit or veggies so this year we're going to try tomatos, cucumbers and strawberries! I can't wait for the weather to cooperate so we can get out there!
Your weekend sounds fabulous! I love your new patio furniture too!
We have some really large black birds that take over the intersection near our house. There seriously has to be thousands of them. It's kinda creepy sometimes, but they probably aren't as big as your crazy street walking bird!
I <3 your porch. It's adorable. Sounds like a great weekend.
PS. The crows are freaky and fresh. They sure ain't scared of people.
I love your new patio furniture and I LOVE the patio. I'd be out there as often as possible. I have this thing about balconies. :)
We have had larger grills, but we have a small one now and it's perfect for the two of us and Dan does a mighty fine job grilling.
(I wrote girling at first) hummm :)
That cracked me up about the crow being the size of a small dog. That made me laugh out loud.
Thanks again for the wonderful birthday presents. You're so precious!
Love your new patio furniture!
Sounds like a great weekend! I love your patio furniture! I miss having a porch/deck to hang out on!
I LOVE your patio! It's just so cute! I know there is an IKEA here in Vicenza, but I have yet to visit it. It's somewhere I need to go ASAP!
Seems like you had a very interesting weekend. Filled with lots of things. I have one question. How exactly do you make sweet potato fries?
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