It's so strange how we had some sun and I captured a picture of a rainbow that I posted about yesterday, and now it is snowing. I feel like I am back in Oklahoma where the weather changes at the drop of a hat. Kind of feels like home ;)
I was tagged by Anniebannanie at This Momma's Musings! This was so funny and I enjoyed doing it! Thanks Anniebannabie! I had to go into Google and type "my name" and then the word "needs" into Google search engine. Then list the first ten responses that make sense.
So here's what "Steph needs...."
1. Steph needs some help.
(So true if someone wants to come help me do my dishes and laundry, well actually all my housework, that would be a BIG help.)
2. Steph needs someone to control her.
(Because you know how wild and crazy I get..... not)
3. Steph needs to go to the bathroom real bahhd.
(that's just gross, why would someone put that on Google.)
4. Steph needs a prince.
(Already found mine!!)
5. Steph needs another new start.
(No, thank you, I just had a brand new start about 7 months ago. I think one brand new start is all I can take for at least another three years.)
6. Steph needs a makeover to get Eric back.
(Who's Eric?)
7. Steph needs hug
(I sure do)
8. Steph needs a new pair of pajamas.
(Who doesn't need new pajamas? My pajamas usually consist of Jon's boxer shorts and a tank top.)
9. Steph needs to buy us all tivo's.
(If I could I would.)
10. Steph needs rhinoplasty surgery.
(Ugh, now that hurts. I didn't think my nose was that bad.)
I'm tagging....
Jenny Lee
Christy at Confessions of an Impulsive Addict
Allison at The Displaced Texan
JLC at French Kiss
Kebi at Hanging by a Thread
Erica at just a girlfriend is just fine with me
d.a.r. at Just Another Day in Paradise
Lindsey at Learning to be a Wife
Shannon at More Wine Please
Melissa at New Girl On Post
Mrs. Guru at Off the Beaten Path
Abbie at Satisfy My Soul
Chase at Taiwan Drift
And last but definitely not least Young Traveler!
Enjoy......I think it will be funny to see what everyone comes up with!
It's Wednesday, two days until Friday!
Have a great one!

Two days until Friday ... I'm glad!!
Ha, I've done that google thing before, it can be quite entertaining!!
Hope your snow has gone and melted!
Very fun! I will post mine in a bit!
New to your blog, but I love it! I also wanted to comment on how absolutely gorgeous your wedding pics are. The few on your sidebar...loveeee your dress! :) Of course I'm getting married soon so it was one of the 1st things I noticed ;) Hope you have a great day!!
Thank you for tagging me :)
This looks like fun, I'm heading to my blog to write mine right now
That's too fun! Hopefully today won't be too busy so I can blog. ;)
Ha! You definately need a hug after it said you need a nose job. Come on Google! Play nice!
Aw thanks for the tag, you're so sweet!!
It is supossed to snow here on Friday!! Can you believe that?!?!
I am actually a big fan of snow..although it makes me sleepy! I like your little "survey" (I guess I can call that a survey..) :)
Hahah!! Keep those pics coming!!
Yes and like us, we had SNOW on the first day of spring. Insane. Where's my warm weather?!?!
Thanks for the tag chica!
those are crazy funny!
Thanks for the tag... and hope its gets more "springy" for ya!
I had fun reading this post! Maybe it will start to look more like spring in your area pretty soon! Have a good week! :)
I think snow is so pretty too, now if only it could be 80 degrees and snowy! Haha!
Thanks for tagging me...this is gonna be fun!
Rhinoplasty?! I think not!
Aw, sorry your spring is so snowy! It'll get better soon, I hope :)
And that's a hilarious little game. Maybe I'll try it out!
I love the pictures.. soo beautiful and I love the steph needs post! that is funny.. im gonna have to try it out! It is supposed to snow here tomorrow and saturday and has been 70s and then 30s .. ughhh!!
So I googled it and....
they are SO inappropriate! Great idea and thanks for the tag!
I love these! I actually did mine right after you tagged me, but I'm going to schedule them for this weekend.
Oh "spring" how I loathe you. All of my friends had Facebook statuses about the snow. It's ridiculous!
Hey there! Just found your blog today. Gosh I am so jealous! My hubby and I want to be in Germany so badly...We're looking at another four years before thats in our future though:( Robert got orders for being Drill Sergeant so we're stuck:p But just wanted to say howdy and that I'll be fallowing your blog! Stop by sometime and say hello:)
oh boy. A tag, eh?
This one's fun. I tried it, and liked the results. I'll get it up on my blog when i can.
I'm from the texas panhandle so we basically get the same weather as oklahoma! They cancelled school and everything because of the "blizzard" that was supposed to hit. I'm pretty sure they didn't get more than a few inches! haha oh well!
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