I realized after I had planted several things that I did not label each planter correctly. Due to this, I have no idea what herb is in what container! Way to go Steph. So today I went to the base, bought three tan pots, painted them different colors and labeled them in big letter so I know exactly what I've planted. Good idea....... I think so. As for my other planters, I will just have to wait until my herbs/vegetables are fully grown to know what I will be eating ;)
My new pots
I planted hot peppers and two different types of lettuce today.

It's like Gardening 101 up in here!
Isn't it so weird when it's sunny and raining at the same time? I experienced this today and was lucky enough to capture a rainbow. It's super hard to see but if you look closely it's there. It was there only for a short while, I'm so glad I got to see it.

Happy Tuesday!
Aww you DO have a green thumb! The plants are darling!!
Fun!! I love your pretty painted pots : ) I think it was a GREAT idea!
(Ha, and the whole forgetting to label thing ... I would totally do that!!)
I really want to get into gardening.. I was looking at all the different seeds in target the other day drooling..
I know you didn't paint them for decoration purposes but I think they look so pretty! And you have very good handwriting!
Your post reminds me I need to go out and water my pansies! I love you rainbow picture.
Great idea! I need to get my vegetables in order and this is a great idea!
Love the pic and love those days only when it's not freazing
Such cute photos!
Zane definitely has the green thumb in our household. I won't be surprised if there's a garden in our new backyard!
I love the pots!! Awesome job, they look so cute, and I love your handwriting on them too =) Haha, can't wait to see what the mystery pots are!
One more reason why I should come over for dinner. :)
You are so artsy.
Love how you labeled the pots!
And in Ireland often you would see the rainbow first and then it would rain. So when you saw one you knew it was going to start showering - so I didn't like seeing them!
It'll be like a christmas vegetable surprise!
Haha! I always plant stuff in my garden and never label it! But then it's always like a little surprise when it comes up!
I love spring!
Gorgeous pic!
I'm so impressed - gardening while abroad! For me, being abroad has been an excuse to skip all those domestic things I probably should be doing. So I'm definitely inspired. Maybe I'll try it.
cute idea! and i love your hand writing.. random I know but i do..
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