Friday, June 19, 2009


Since Father's day is coming up, I was thinking back to some of the fond memories I used to share with my pops. There are so many fun things I remember, like picking cherries off of our cherry tree in the back yard so that my mom could make us fresh cherry pie (even though I don't eat cooked fruit), playing catch for hours, taking river walks on the Canadian River, watching Pee Wee's playhouse and eating chocolate donuts, putting together a bug collection, climbing the magnolia tree in our front yard, going to the gym with him while he trained his fighters and carrying the spit buckets, going to some of his fights and watching him referee, play boxing with him while I make the "tss, tss," sound every time I threw a punch, making him watch me do 100 back handsprings and do gymnastics in the backyard, etc.

But one of my favorite memories was fishing. We used to fish all of the time during the summer. We'd head out early, pack a cooler, stop by the tackle shop (where I had my picture taken for catching two huge bass) where we'd grab some worms or minnows, and head to our fishing hole. Me with my miniature fishing pole ready to catch the big ones. I never really thought about it until I got older, but our fishing hole was in a small town called Lexington, Oklahoma and it was located right by the prison. Yup, that's right the prison. "You might be a redneck." ;)
Anyway, we'd spend all day out there fishing and when we'd run out of bait, my dad would have me search for grasshopers to use as bait. We'd catch fish after fish, he'd make me touch their eyes and spit on them for good luck and we'd throw them back. There was nothing cooler than hanging out and fishing with my dad. Boy, those were the days.

What are some of your fondest memories as a kid?


Gleatie said...

You would fish down by the PRISON!?! HA HA HA!!! I love it! Get that dad of yours over to Germany!

Unknown said...

Great, now I miss my dad on top of already missing my dad! Lol...Those are some great memeories and I could just picture you in all of them looking at him so adoringly:)

d.a.r. said...

Such a sweet post!! I remember one family vacation, we drove down to FL for a week. From the midwest, that's about an 18 hour drive, so us kids got bored. My dad had the front seat reclined and was taking a nap, so we decided to play "beauty parlor"! Hahahahaha. We were very gentle and my dad woke up about 45 minutes later to about 30 little ponytails all over his head and his scalp drenched in hand lotion. We thought he'd be pissed (we were 11 and 8 years old) but he laughed and proceeded to go into the restaurant for dinner like that and spent the rest of the week talking about how soft his hair was.

We still joke about it today, and he teased me about it on our wedding day.

Lindsey said...

Awww what a sweet post! Gotta love dads, they are the best!!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

AW, this was a great [ost to your dad.

Jen McCrady said...

my dad and i used to sit on the porch with blankets and watch storms pass through... great memory :)

Mrs. Realife said...

I LOVE the memories you have with your dad and I love hearing about good father/daughter relationships... means the world to me --

I can't tell you what my dad means to me in a simple comment... you'll have to read my blog Sunday --

Heather @ Simple Wives said...

such a sweet post!!! :D

Gosh...I loved our Ice Cream Outing to DQ, and waking up early on Saturday to go yard saleing with my mom!

Courtney said...

Aww, sweet memories! I just LOVE time with dad! :)

Jane said...

I LOVE cherry pie. :-) It's my absolute favorite.

When I was a child, my mom always did a majority of the cooking (she still does), but I always loved the mornings when my dad would be the one to cook breakfast and he would make "daddy's special scrambled eggs." There's nothing spectacular or secret about how my dad makes scrambled eggs, but they just tasted so much better than anyone else's. To this day, his scrambled eggs are still my favorite. :-)

Kaci said...

Awwwh your Dad sounds like an amazing Dad!! :)

Katie said...

My dad and I use to play in my sandbox that he built me :)

The Rest is Still Unwritten said...

what a sweet post! I used to go fishing with my dad all the time!

My favorite memory is when I would get my progress reports at school, if I did well, my dad would take a half day from work and pick me up early from school. We'd do anything we felt like, movies, lunch, shopping, fishing. It was a great thing to have.

JennyLee said...

Such sweet memories. I have always been a Daddy's girl and still to this day have to see him at least once a week!

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

Those are some terrific memories you have. Your Dad is lucky to have a daughter like you and it sounds like your are one lucky daughter too!