Jon and I were married on 6/7/08 and shortly thereafter were transplanted across the world to Germany. Jon got a great job opportunity and we'll be in Europe for a three year adventure. (Or four, or 5, who knows.) We are expecting our first bundle of joy in April 2011, and couldn't be more thrilled! Here you'll find pictures and stories of our adventures through-out Europe and everyday life! We're so glad you stopped by.
Ayo Technology..... covered by Milow. He sings it so much better than 50 cent. (I couldn't find the cent sign on my keyboard.) Enjoy!! But mind the lyrics, they are a little naughty, but Milow has a great sound.
Our last day in Paris, we got up early enough to make it to the Louvre by 9:00. Sadly, it appeared everyone else and THEIR DOG had the same idea, and the Louvre was packed by 9. Overall it wasn't a terrible experience, but with that amount of people there is no way to capture great shots of any of the artwork. Here are some of the pictures that actually turned out.
I love the ceilings in the Louvre, they are unbelievable.
After walking around the Louvre for several hours we decided to hit the road back to Germany. We drove through the french countryside and of course had to stop and take pictures in the fields of yellow flowers.
All in all it was a great time and I am so glad that were able to visit Paris while my brother and his friend Kathleen were here. It meant a lot to them to get to see Paris and I know they had a great time. Hope you guys enjoyed my pictures from our trip!
Thanks so much for all of the wonderful comments and a big thanks for following along and reading my blog. It's so nice to wake up to wonderful comments in the morning! You guys truly are awesome.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Oh, P.S. I did my first day of Shred last night, walked 6 miles today.... I'm on my way to being "shredded" as Jillian Michaels puts it. (BUT now I can hardly walk, I'm SO SORE!!!) We'll see if I can make it through another twenty minute workout tonight!?! Yesterday I wanted to grab her through the TV and strangle her, only because I'm incredibly out of shape!!What I wouldn't do for some Mexican food right now ;)
Sunday we headed out to check out some shops near the Louvre. Sadly all stores were closed, which I should have known better, most stores are closed in Germany every Sunday. Instead we grabbed breakfast at a cafe near the Louvre. After several cups of coffee, salt pancakes and crepes with bananas and nutella, we caught a train to Moulin Rouge.
Paintings along the entrance.
We then walked to Sacre Coeur, stopping to take pictures along the way.
I can not get enough of the beautiful streets. Sacre Coeur Sunday afternoon was HOT! We all knew there was no way we could climb to the top to see Sacre Coeur up close, so instead we found a cafe near by for some wine, cheese and a chance to cool off. Afterward we made our way to the metro and took a train to Notre Dame. Here are several pictures from our visit to Notre Dame and a little of the surrounding area. Click on the pictures to enlarge. After walking around for several hours we headed back to the hotel to rest and freshen up. We really wanted to see Paris at night, so after our short rest we headed out on the town. Click on pictures to enlarge.
It was a wonderful evening, the weather was perfect. Hope you guys enjoyed the second day of our trip to Paris. There's more to come tomorrow! Thanks so much for reading along!
Hope you all have a wonderful Thursday! The weekend is almost here!