HELLO, is this thing on... is anyone there?! How is everyone? Whoa, it's been a long 7 months away from blog land. I have been meaning to start blogging again several times, but then I get easily sidetracked with Miss Sophie and well... the rest is history. I wanted to start blogging again for our families and friends back in Oklahoma. Several have requested more posts, so they know what we're up to here in Germany, and most importantly they just love seeing pictures of Sophie. So my goal is to try to blog a couple of times a week to keep everyone updated.
All is well here at the Adventures of Jon and Steph... although it might be time for a new blog header, since we are now a family of three! Not much has happened in the last several months, although the holidays were very busy! We had 5 visitors! FIVE. That's 7 people total in my house at once. AND a baby! Whew! While it was exhausting, it really was a blast to have so many people here. My mom, step-dad, brother, and his two friends came out. It was wonderful to have them here for Sophie's first Christmas and New Years, and at the end of the day, Jon and I really do love to entertain... as long as there is wine involved.
This wouldn't be a true Steph post without several pictures... so here ya go. One of my many New Years resolutions is to take a photo a day. I've always loved taking pictures, while it may not be my strong point, I still love to look back at all of the memories we are making here in Europe. Here are some pictures from the start of our new year.
January 1
My brother and his friends arrived.
Sophie loves her Uncle Sean.
January 2
Sophie in her new monster hat.
Heading out to dinner.
January 3
On the train to Fussen, Germany.
Poor thing tuckered out right as we arrived!
She was exhausted from the 6 hour train ride.
My brother, Jon, me, and Sophie at dinner in Fussen.

January 4
Taking a carriage ride up to the Neuschwanstein Castle.

Dad and Sophie walking up to the castle.

The Neuschwanstein Castle
My mom, brother, me, and step-dad.
Our bus ride from Fussen to Oberammergau.
Sophie loves Grandpa Mess!
Hiking through Oberammergau
The snow was awesome!
January 5
The view from our hotel at breakfast
Our long trek home.
Such a beautiful sunset.
January 6
Trying to find a dress for Jon's birthday night!
January 7
The view from our hotel room.
A surprise birthday present for Jon.
Ready for an amazing dinner and black jack with friends!
Jon won 80 euro! Way to go, babe!
Better than losing 80!!
January 8
My happy girl!
January 9
Finally has a teeeeeeeny bit of hair I can put a bow on!
January 10
Loves light!
January 10
My parents goodbye dinner at our favorite restaurant, Symposion!
Sophie and her Greek boyfriend from Symposion, Christos!
She's always flirting with him!
Was that enough pictures for you guys?!? I may have gone a little overboard but I wanted to get caught up on the new Year!
A little Sophie update: She is now almost 10 months old! Weighs 18.8 pounds! Growing every day. Eats like her mommy! Happy as a lark! Loves playing with her daddy and snuggling with her mom. Chewing on everything she can get her hands on, including her dad's shoes, cardboard, cords, boxes, you name it. I even caught her standing up, grabbing the Apple TV from our entertainment center and chewing on it. COME ON Sophie!! She's crawling all over the place and into everything! and I mean everything... she grabbed some fake berries off the table the other day and was chewing on them... next thing you know I catch her with red ink all over her face and hands. I left her for like 5 minutes! Thank GOD it wasn't poisonous! (At least I didn't think so, she's still alive.) She's growing out of all of her clothes, moving to 9-12 months and size 3 diapers. She's still a teeny thing for her age. Our friends had a baby about 3 months ago and he's bigger than Sophie!
Anyway, we're looking forward to the weekend ahead, as it's a 3 day weekend! Looking forward to doing absolutely nothing and getting caught up on tv shows and movies!
Hope y'all have a great weekend. See you next week!