Things here at The Adventures of Jon and Steph are going great! I can't believe it is almost Friday. This week really flew by, and I am so happy that it has, because I always look forward to the weekend!
Jon leaves this weekend for a business trip for two weeks... but luckily I will be joining him a week later! So off to the Middle East I'll be going next Thursday or Friday. I'm not so much looking forward to the heat there, but I do look forward to all of the American food we get to eat. There is a Chili's, Macaroni Grill, they even have COLDSTONE!! I can't wait to gorge on American food!
Back to the title of my post... (This post is LONG overdue!)
Jon and I had our first annual White Trash Bash a couple of weekends ago and it was a HIT! We had such a fantastic time and a big turnout. We had everyone bring a "fixin" and you wouldn't believe what we ended up with... anywhere from homemade beenie weenies, to corndogs, to twinkies, and spam! Not to mention the entire home redecorating we had to do to have a trashy atmosphere. It was awesome. Everyone dressed up in their best white trash garb and we had a grand ole' time drinking Boones Farm and Natural Light!
Here are pictures from our White Trash Bash:
Jon and Damon
Jon and me
The swimming pool full of beer!
All in all, it was a fantastic night! Everyone had a blast.
We look forward to next years White Trash Bash!
I hope you enjoyed the pictures!
Have a wonderful Thursday!